
Documentation for LD

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Job Corps accepts a wide variety of documentation to substantiate an individual’s disability status. This may include documents such as:​
  • ​​​​504 Plans
    • A 50​4 Plan (gets its name from a civil rights law--Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act) is ONE form of documentation of a disability. A 504 Plan most often is a list of accommodations and supports that a school agrees to provide a student with a disability to remove barriers and ensure the student has equal access to the general education curriculum and program.
    • When developing a Job Corps Accommodation Plan, a 504 Plan can provide information about previous accommodations.
  • ​IEPs (Individual Education Program/Plan)
    • An IEP is mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) for students in public elementary and secondary schools who have disabilities and who need special education and related services in order to meet the unique needs of the individual.
    • ​​The IEP outlines a student with a disability’s present level of performance (PLOP) or functioning in relation to the learning environment.
    • ​​​​The IEP serves as ONE form of documentation of a learning disability. When developing a Job Corps Accommodation Plan, an IEP can provide information such as type(s) of disability (such as learning disabilities), areas of needed support, and previous interventions, supports and services.
    • ​For centers with high school programs that fall under IDEIA, the IEP serves as the high school program plan for the delivery of special education service and supports. It is the public high school’s responsibility to develop and maintain the IEP; however, Job Corps ultimately has to ensure that requirements are met. Job Corps still develops an Accommodation Plan for the student that affords accommodations needed for access to all other components of the program.
  • Other forms of documentation
    • Psychological Reports
    • Neuropsychological Reports​
    • Medical Records
    • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Assessments
    • Chronic Care Management Plans (sometimes LD is listed as a co-occurring condition with others that are outlined within a General Health or Mental Health Questionnaire.
    • Centers may receive previous LD assessments, reports, or summaries developed by licensed health and educational professionals that contain diagnostic information, areas of functional limitation and suggested strategies and accommodations.

​​Assessing for LD

  • Who would conduct this assessment?
    • ​Primarily Center Mental Health Consultants who are licensed psychologists (interns or practicum students under their supervision)
  • Necessary Elements of Assessment:
    • Systematic teacher report documentation
      • Student is significantly underachieving in area of concern
      • Summary of student's response to interventions in the classroom
    • Current measure of intelligence (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; Stanford-Binet; Woodcock Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability)
      • Older and outdated editions of the measures above or IQ screening measures (e.g., Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, etc.) are NOT acceptable. Must use current editions.
    • ​​​​Measures of academic achievement (e.g., select subtests from Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement; Wechsler Individual Achievement Test; Wide Range Achievement Test); or other norm​ed and validated measure of academic achievement
      • Must use the current editions of the measures above.
      • Provide at least two data points (which can include TABE results) indicating significant deficit in identified area
    • ​​​Additional neuropsychological tests, if appropriate, as determined by the evaluator. These may include tests for the following areas:
      • ​Language
      • Perceptual-motor skills
      • Coordination
      • Attention
      • Memory
